The Power of Praise in Our Trials

When disappointment hits, it takes everything within us to control our emotions. Sometimes we give up the desire to control, permitting the ugly crying to commence. Yesterday was a battle for me as each circumstance taunted my emotions.

Have you ever had those days when one thing after another continues to smack you in the face?

The Harvest is Coming!

Has God asked you to step outside of your comfort zone? Have you felt the need to reconnect with a friend or take a meal over to a family member who has fallen ill? Maybe it’s spending quality, not quantity time with your children. Perhaps, you feel Him leading you to explore a new adventure. Whatever God has asked of you, may I encourage you to act in obedience?

God Never Changes

Read: “I the LORD do not change.” – Malachi 3:6a (NIV)

Oh, what peace to know God does not change. He is the same God in the beginning, He is the same God in our presence, and He will be the same God in our future. The benefit of recognizing God never changes, builds confidence, and the ability to rely on God. So what does Scripture tell us about God?