Today’s PRP (Faith Leads to Love)

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Holy Father, You are so worthy to be praised! As your sons and daughters, we cast all our anxiety onto You because you care for us. Lord, it’s because You care You chose to send your Son to live among us. Jesus, may we implement your example in our very own lives. Lord, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is within. Lord, it is through Your divine power we show kindness to others, apply self-control, and preserver through these trying times.  

Father, I pray You will increase my affection for You to mirror your own. Transform my heart to love the way You love. Father, let the change start with me. Help us all to be good listeners. May Your voice be the loudest one we hear, for You are good and holy.

In the precious name of Jesus, I pray- Amen

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For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self- control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 

                                                  2 Peter 1:5-7 (NIV)

There is a ripple effect when we begin to walk in our faith. Peter explains the transformation process doesn’t stop with faith but STARTS with faith. We are one step closer to displaying Christ for all to see when we choose to add goodness in our character. Our hearts begin to sift away the old self and breathe life into the new self. 

 It’s through mutual affection for God that we can love like God. Mutual, according to Webster, means: having the same feelings one for the other, shared in common, joint. We are to share a joint tender attachment with God. Since God loved us first, our affection for Him should mirror His. What a tall order! But through the Holy Spirit, we can achieve this kind of adoration for God. So keep pressing on with goodness because it will lead to LOVE. And when we love others, we reflect the Son.  

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1 thought on “Today’s PRP (Faith Leads to Love)”

  1. OOOH this is perfect for our world today…..they will have to know we are Christians by our LOVE because no other way will they see the Love of God… walk in His foot steps today, tomorrow and again the very next day. Will we walk together??? so they can see our Love that God has placed in our hearts!!!

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