
  Father, may You be the foundation my choices and direction are built upon.  Lord, I desire You to be in the center of all that I do.  You keep me calm and at peace when everything is going astray.  

   Lord, may we be a generation that becomes a beacon for the hope that inspires a ripple effect for revival in our land.  Lord, help us all to build upon your foundation.  Help us walk along Your path.  May we continue to strengthen our stance in Your promise. May our confidence be found in You and not our works.  We love You, Lord.  Transform our hearts to beat for what brings You joy.  In Jesus’s name – Amen.


“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 3:11 (NLT)


  A home is only as strong as its foundation.  Most fountations are created with cement/concrete .  For a structure to remain standing, the foundation must withstand the different elements of natural and/or human disasters. 

  According to How Long Does Concrete Take To Set? | Concrete Cure TImes … › blog › long-concrete-take-set) , on day seven after the cement is poured, the concrete will reach 70%, but it takes 28 days to reach its full strength. 

  Our bodies are considered to be the temple of the Lord.  And with every structure we must start with the foundation. Our foundation calmed the storms with a spoken word.  Our foundation walked on water.  Our foundation died on the cross the night before the Sabbath, day seven, commenced completing the promise of the LORD. On the morning after the Sabbath, Jesus rose on the third day remaining victorious over death itself.  

  For our home to remain stable, our foundation must be built on the One who has authority over the elements. There is only one foundation that will never quake at any attempt the world might use to rock our home. 

  If Jesus is the center of our temples, we will grow stronger and remain firm when the fires of this world are ablaze. 

  In the word of Edward Mote- On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand. 
